The adventures of Brave Bear relate to every day issues facing parents and children, to help them with the changes and challenges in their lives, from early toddler years of learning to use the potty and giving up their dummy, to encouraging bravery in older children: starting school; fighting with friends; understanding illnesses; experiencing bullying or trauma and much more.
Brave Books have been designed to engage the child with brave and captivating stories of a character called Brave Bear and his brave friends. It is best to go through the books with your child, looking and talking about each photograph then to read the story page on the right. To encourage the child to think about what Brave Bear is doing and how brave he is.
The photographs are designed to allow the child to enjoy a ‘real’ experience instead of following a story of sketches. The photographs allow the child to recognise Brave Bear’s bathroom, Brave Bear’s bed, his garden, his toys and other recognisable items that would be in an ordinary home.
It is advisable that you purchase a mini Brave Bear which your child can then hold and cuddle while you read his Brave Book to him. Try and read the Brave Book to your child as often as you can. Some of the books include a bravery medal sent to your child by Brave Bear (free of charge).
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