I have CF


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A book to encourage bravery in a child when they are diagnosed with CF.

Early education about CF (Cystic Fibrosis) is critical. Children need to learn all the information about CF including care requirements starting at about age three. This will probably come naturally because around the ages of three and four, children start to ask a lot of questions about everything. A big question will be if they can die from CF and an important one to be able to answer. Yes, everybody dies of something. Some people do die from CF. Some die from cancer and others die in car accidents, and some people die just because they are very old. We just don’t know the future, however if you keep taking good care of yourself like you do now, you will be more likely to live a long time. The doctors are working hard on finding new medicines to help.

Children need to taught to be safe and look after their bodies. Brave Books offers a selection of titles in this section that cover the danger of strangers, coping with a traumatic event, how to deal with illness, going to doctors, good touch – bad touch, sex education and many others

Many books have been written others are coming soon. 

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