A book than encourages understanding in your child when their family is a non-traditional family.
If your family is non-traditional, you’re in good company. These days, many kids live in single-parent, blended, adoptive, or gay- and lesbian-parent families. Two- and 3-year-olds aren’t likely to ask any questions about their family or anyone else’s but simply accept the way things are. They’ll tend to assume that all families are just like theirs. But once these little kids come into daily contact with other pre-schoolers — kids who also love to talk about their families — they begin to notice that not all families look the same. At this point, you can expect the questions to start.
Whatever your own family is like, don’t shy away from these discussions; they’ll help your pre-schooler better understand the world and her place in it. Read this book regularly to your child to help them understand.
Children need to taught and helped to understand that there any many different families in the world. The messages to focus on are that families come in all shapes and sizes, that your child is loved, and that no one type of family is better than another.
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