Explaining to your child where babies come from can be challenging, your child may be especially curious about the mysteries of baby making if you or someone close to your family is expecting. Your child is most likely to wonder how the baby gets inside the mother, what the baby is doing in there, and how the baby gets out. Don’t volunteer information, follow your child’s lead, answer questions as they come up and keep explanations simple. If you show discomfort, your child will wonder if there’s something shameful about what you’re saying. Read this book regularly to help your child understand where babies come from.
Children go through distinct periods of development as they move from infants to young adults. During each stage multiple changes in the development of the brain are taking place. Ages and stages is a term used to broadly outline key periods in the human development timeline. Stages include physical, intellectual, language, social and emotional. Brave Books offers a number of topics that cover these exciting yet challenging years.
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