Why am I afraid of dogs


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A book to help your child be less fearful of dogs.

The fear of dogs is quite common among children but they can overcome it. Sometimes a child’s fear comes from a person in the family who is afraid, other times it could be from friends or even TV.  If you are afraid of dogs, your child could be as well, he could also have experienced one dog who jumped on him and then tends to generalise this fear to all dogs.

There are many techniques that can help a child’s anxiety including playing with a stuffed dog toy; watching loving kind dogs on TV; remember if confronted by a safe dog don’t leave the situation immediately, it is better to stay with him until he calms down and anxiety subsides, this is required to overcome any phobia; bring a calm loving dog into the family, it can be a great addition to the family and a best friend for a child. As much as these are wonderful experiences, let children take that step when they are ready. Read this book to your child regularly to help them with their fear.

Children go through distinct periods of development as they move from infants to young adults. During each stage multiple changes in the development of the brain are taking place. Ages and stages is a term used to broadly outline key periods in the human development timeline. Stages include physical, intellectual, language, social and emotional. Brave Books offers a number of titles that cover these exciting yet challenging years.

Many books have been written others are coming soon. 

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