Why am I afraid of storms


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A book to encourage bravery and understanding of storms in children

How Children Learn Bravery in an Age of Overprotection. To be brave is to have courage, valour. Those are all words we would love to associate with our children. However, what is the essence of bravery? What is that certain quality we want to instil in our children that will make them brave when others cower:

Set the Example. Remember children watch how brave you are; Invoke culture and heritage. It is nearly impossible to complete a brave act without a reason for doing so. Challenge and praise. We must challenge them constantly to try new things and to do things they might fear; point out real life role models. We overprotect our children in this modern world, by depriving them of their freedom,  depriving them of learning opportunities. They need to learn how to take control of their own behaviours and emotions. Nothing in life is without risk.  Read this book regularly with your child to encourage bravery.

Children go through distinct periods of development as they move from infants to young adults. During each stage multiple changes in the development of the brain are taking place. Ages and stages is a term used to broadly outline key periods in the human development timeline. Stages include physical, intellectual, language, social and emotional. Brave Books offers a number of titles that cover these exciting yet challenging years.

Many books have been written others are coming soon. 

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