Why did my mommy die


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A book than encourages bravery and understanding in your child in the event of a death.

What happens when a child loses one or both parents before reaching adulthood?  Along with the inevitable problems dealing with grief and loss, studies show that losing a parent at an early age can have long term consequences that cannot be ignored.  After a death, many children want to share their story, telling their story is a healing experience, one of the best ways adults can help young grievers is to listen to their stories, children also need continuity (normal activities), care (plenty of hugs and cuddles) and connection (to still feel connected to the parent who has died, and to you)

The death of a parent can shake the foundations of a child’s belief in the world as a safe place.  Read this book to your child regularly to help them express their emotions and to ask questions about this tragic event in their young lives.

This series of books deal with loss and the absence of family, friends and pets, including death, divorce and extended period of absence. The loss of someone close through death is a traumatic and painful event for the majority of people. For many children and young people the death of a parent, sibling, friend or relative can be extremely difficult because of the child’s inability to understand and articulate their feelings.

Many books have been written others are coming soon. 

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