What’s the most important ingredient in how to discipline your child? Love. Many children take discipline to heart saying things like “you don’t love me anymore’. It is important to discipline with calmness, patience, and love. Yell less, yelling and love don’t go together—unless you’re yelling “I love you”. When we scream at our children, we might get their attention but their interpretation of what we’re saying will be tinged with things other than love, such as fear or anger. Explain to children that no matter what discipline is used you still love them. Hug them lots, physical touch—hugs, a kiss on the cheek, a pat on the back—are tangible reminders to your child that you love him. Read this book often to help children understand the purpose of discipline.
By definition self-esteem is the way a person perceives himself, his thoughts and feelings about who he is and the ability to achieve in ways that are important to him. Children identify with who they are and how they fit into a family and society early in their lives and often children need help to understand blended families, adoptions or same sex parents.
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