INtsholongwane yeCorona eyoYikekayo (Corona Xhosa)


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A book than can assist you child to understand a little more about the Coronavirus and how this effects them and their family.

Talking with children about a pandemic may feel daunting, it is frightening and confusing for adults  however, it can often be scarier and more anxiety-provoking for a child. It important to use honest, clear language and discuss with them at a pace that children are able to process it. Children at certain ages are concrete thinkers so the use of simple, clear explanations will help.

Even if the children don’t say direct to you, children are likely to be worrying about getting sick themselves, or that someone in their family may get sick or even die. Help children understand about the virus, how it is transmitted, how they can present transmission such as washing hands and staying home. Be careful what your children may see on TV or overhear from adults around them as this can contribute to their anxiety and fears.

Read this book to them often to help them understand about the Coronavirus and that they are not the only ones battling at this difficult time.

Many books have been written others are coming soon. 

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