A book to encourage bravery and understanding when there is a new baby in the house.
Once you’ve told your child there is going to be a new baby, you will still have several months to wait before the baby arrives. During this time, keep the communication open and follow your child’s lead regarding how much he wants to know. Let you child ask questions and now and then ask your child how he feels and what he would like to know.
Let your child feel the baby kicking when you can and encourage your child to perhaps sing to or pat the baby. Keep your talk about the new baby light and positive. Show you child some photos of what your tummy looked like when you were pregnant with him and go through his baby pictures on a regular basis. Read this book regularly to you child to help him understand the upcoming changes in his life.
Routine and being able to predict what happens is important to children and makes them feel safe. However as we all know life does not stay the same, there are many changes through our lifetime, we move house, we have another baby, friends move away, kids move school, separation or divorce happens or we experience a death of a close one.
Children need time to process all of the information that they are exposed to and appreciate daily routines and repetition or they may become stressed. They like knowing that when they arrive home from child care, mommy and daddy fix dinner, then the family eats, then there is a bath and then two stories. Children thrive on the predictability of daily routines. Brave Books offer a selection of titles covering changes in the lives of children.
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